Apex Riders Motorcycle Tour C Overview Page






This customizable tour showcases motorcycle recreation and trails. The tour will take you to five Biker friendly establishments and then cruise along the Welland River. If desired; the tour can be strictly a road trip of hot spots, or a leisurely drive through the countryside, or a perfect blend of both.

The destinations that you will be visiting include a variety of Motorcycle shops that offer top notch accessories or motorcycle repairs/parts, as well as a Biker friendly restaurant for a quick pit stop (and delicious wings).

The cruise along trail hugs the beautiful Welland River and weaves through cornfields. The perfect drive for a peaceful summer day.

Links to Alternate Tours

Tour A is strictly Motorcycle Friendly Establishments. Click the following link for more information: http://www.guidetags.com/mindmaps/explore/tour-iasc-3p93/3935-apex-riders-motorcycle-tour-a-overview-page

Tour B is a cruise along the Welland River. Click the following link for more information.

You are currently looking at Tour C, a combination Tours A and B.


Sites we will visit on this tour

Starting point of Apex Riders Tour C

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