Berlin Counter-Culture of the 1960s

This tour is related to the counter-culture movements of the 1960s in Berlin, specifically the LGBT variety. In this tour, I will be examining the different important locations that relate to the development of LGBT identity, culture and acceptance within Berlin after the Second World War, especially during the 1960s-1980s. The tour will start at the Berlin University of Arts, a cultural hub for LGBT people during the post-WW2 world and a place where the movie "It Is Not the Homosexual Who Is Perverse, But the Society in Which He Lives" was directed. Next is the Schwules Museum, which was the first museum that focused completely on LGBT related topics, although at the time we're discussing it was primarily a homosexual male focused museum. Next is the original location of the Iron Heart bookstore which was the first gay bookstore in Berlin, and thus had a huge connection to the growing gay community in Berlin. After that is the location of the first Tuntenhaus, the first of several buildings (essentially ghettos) occupied by communities of gay men living squatting together. Finally, we end with more modern-feeling places like the clubhouse AHA (which is the second oldest gay club in Berlin) and then at the end, the gay clubhouse SchwuZ, which was a hub for LGBT coordination in the 1970s and 1980s

On this tour, we will visit the following sites:

1. Berlin University of Arts

2. Schwules Museum

3. SchwuZ

All of these locations will hopefully shed light on how an average LGBT person lived, how they were seen, and how their history and culture was treated by the average community.

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